Top Ten Tuesday: Books I DNF (Too Quickly?)

I don’t usually DNF a book as I am stubborn and I believe that things will always get better but I am not against putting a book back on the shelf and telling myself that I will pick it up later.


Song of the Current  by Sarah Tolcser

My friend had read this before I did and she said that it was slow but was worth reading and at the time I was a bit apprehensive about it but with school coming up I did not have a lot of time to read it and then this little thing called Tower of Dawn came out and my life stopped so I could read that book.


11/22/63 by Stephen King

This book is really, really good but it is a massive tome so it has been taking me forever to read. I don’t have that much left but considering that I have not picked it back up in about 2 years makes me think that I have given up on it


Catherine the Great by Robert K. Massie

I don’t like non-fiction and I especially don’t like biographies. To me, I don’t see the point on reading (usually a tome) about someone when I could just go read their Wiki page. But Catherine the Great is the closest person that I would call my hero so I figured that I could get through her biography. I have read about 200 pages out of 625 which is not that bad and I do hope to finish it one day…


The Wolf by Leo Carew

This was the first ARC that I DNF’ed.


I had hopes that I was going to enjoy it but I just couldn’t get into the prologue and I found just about anything to be more interesting and I hated forcing myself to do something that I should enjoy so I DNF’ed. But then I have been reading reviews by other people and they are saying how much they enjoyed it and I am like did I quit too soon???


Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

Shh, don’t tell my AP English teacher that I never finished this book… I had originally selected this book for a report and I had senioritis and an overall dislike for most classics so it was not a hopeful combination to begin with. I should definitely give this book a shot again, maybe as an audiobook? Thoughts anyone.

Also, super side note: The Hours is an okay movie but the score is the best. If I had to pick one album to listen to for the rest of my life that would probably be it. Yes, I am a huge fan of scorecore.


Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen

See above. I should have given this one a shot but it just did not work out at the time.


Fire by Kristin Cashore

I had loved Graceling but when I found out that this is just basically a biography (remember what I said about biographies??) about Fire and does not really do much for the plot line of Graceling, I lost all hope with this book.


A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir

There are three reasons for me not finishing this book:

  1. I did not really care for the first book. Now, I think that this had to do with the fact that I read some pretty bad books beforehand and I was just taking my anger out on Ember but there is also the possibility that it was not that great.
  2. I was reading a library copy when it first came out and being an hour and a half away from the library and not being able to renew it is not a good combination.
  3. I have not had the opportunity to pick it back up. Maybe this summer I will.


Before She Ignites by Jodi Meadows

I had received this in the September OwlCrate, and thinking “Yay, dragons!!!” Well, I started reading it and there were not that many dragons and I had too many questions so I decided to put it down and I have yet to pick it back up.


7 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books I DNF (Too Quickly?)

  1. Sometimes books just don’t work for us! I hope you enjoy these if you do decide to go back to them at any point.


  2. Oh my gosh I did more or less the same thing with Song of the Current. Started it and it DID seem rather slow, so I set it aside and haven’t gone back. It’s sitting on my shelf though and every time I see it I think, well should I give it another shot? 🙂


  3. I haven’t seen many of these books floating around on DNF lists so it’s always interesting to see a new variety of them and the reasoning behind it. I hope that if you pick some of these up again in the near future, you enjoy them this time around! I loved Mrs. Dalloway but totally get what you were saying about why you didn’t like it–we all have those classics that we were assigned to read, or picked ourselves, that we ended up not liking for one reason or another.

    Great list!


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